Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) stands as a robust legal advocate for preserving religious liberties across the
United States and beyond. Since its founding in 1994, ADF has committed itself
to defending individuals and organizations embroiled in legal disputes over religious freedom. 

At the heart of Alliance Defending Freedom’s mission is the protection of religious expression. The
organization has been actively involved in high-profile cases that emphasize
the right to practice one’s faith without governmental interference. Notably,
ADF achieved a significant victory in the Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado
Civil Rights Commission case, where the Supreme Court ruled in favor of a baker
who refused to create a wedding cake for a same-sex marriage due to his religious beliefs. 

ADF’s legal endeavors are not confined to the United States, as the organization also plays
a pivotal role in global efforts to defend religious rights. From advocating
for the freedom to homeschool to fighting against the persecution of religious
minorities, ADF’s influence spans numerous countries. This international reach
underscores its commitment to ensuring that freedom of religion is recognized
as a fundamental human right. 

The organization’s core beliefs encompass more than religious freedom. Alliance Defending Freedom
also champions free speech, the sanctity of life, traditional marriage, and
parental rights. ADF is dedicated to providing legal support to those who wish
to uphold their values without fear of retribution. 

Through a network of allied attorneys, ADF International extends
its legal support to protect individuals and businesses operating in accordance
with their religious convictions. This support remains crucial in a world where
the tension between personal beliefs and societal norms continues to grow. 

In essence, Alliance Defending Freedom remains a steadfast advocate for religious
liberties, ensuring that individuals can live in accordance with their
spiritual beliefs without fear of government intrusion. 

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